This post was originally an entry in the author’s blog, and was translated for the blawg by Tiu Gi Gyn. It has been merged with another post by the author and edited further for clarity and consistency.

The original post, in Mandarin.
I got acquainted with a whole lot of people, most of them were youngsters, the majority of them were lawyers. However, they are very different from the ones you would normally see in law firms, where they are all suited up, and those wearing typical black and white attire in Court. Everyone here was in their casual attire, wearing t-shirts and jeans.
The host said that they had not come up with a name for the group, in the meantime they would just call it "UndiMalaysia! Kitchen", because the kitchen is the place where transformation of great "dishes" from raw ingredients takes place (metaphorically).
He said, it is not difficult to work on this as everyone would just have to go to their respective constituencies to carry out voter education campaigns, to listen to the voters’ needs, to understand the differences in the states of mind and points of view of the voters from both urban and rural areas in Malaysia. Is that difficult? He said it is not, because all you need to do is go to a coffee shop and have a chat with the people there, most of the time you would find plenty of information.
Before he concluded his rant, those who were present raised their hands and enquired about the campaign, whether to focus on addressing issues related to the voters or to place emphasis on information relating to the candidates. This led to a discussion that ended on the note that the campaign was still in the early stages and the methodology is still being working out.
This may have been the first meeting, but everyone understood clearly that there is one common goal, that is to ensure that all Malaysian citizens are aware of their personal rights, and to really understand and improve the democratic system of the country. The meeting saw an enthusiastic discussion and active participation, and it felt as though such activism has been dormant over the years but is now being revived.
At the moment, it is only the first step. The host said that more human power is required, and he believed that the power of young people will reform the nation! One of the participants said, if one does not actually take steps to reform, one should worry that future generations may ask: "Father, why didn’t you do it when you had the opportunity to change things?" At that time, we would probably not know how to face our children.
The host said, we will "act" and not only "talk" as real action is the root of our work.
This is another attractive point, that with actual implementation and practice, we would help everyone grow to become a better nation, instead of us just complaining and sighing.
I believe that only with our best efforts can we achieve the true and ideal vision of our country. Hopefully, with the enthusiasm of the youths today, we will help create a strong foundation for the future of this country towards greater democracy, and bring hope for Malaysians hereafter!
Those who are interested in getting involved, please with your details or visit LoyarBurok! ;)
There will be more meetings and gatherings to generate ideas, and I’m sure your mailbox will be flooded with discussions. That being said, I am moved by the sincerity and hard work of the youths who participated in the meeting. They are working hard without being paid and they move on their own to plan all kinds of activities.
We wish to have a better Malaysia, we wish all people in Malaysia will appreciate their rights; at the very least, the right to vote which is basic to the human right to choose our own government.
There is no perfect country, but I believe that those who choose to DO rather than complain and blame would be the ones who can bring a better future!
Sheue Chyn has a dream. A dream without discrimination, a dream without unfairness and abuse of power, a dream with happiness and joy amongst all races — all of them realised in Malaysia. This is her dream, and what she is now pursuing. A better Malaysia for a better life. For her, you, and future generations.