
生活小百科-还原白色黑莓手机的方法 How to clean up white colour blackberry

Found on net the method to clean white colour blackberry's cover is with Eucalyptus oil, and the only thing i can found in my house which contain Eucalyptus oil is Axe Brand Medicated Oil (斧标驱风油),but it really WORK!!! The back cover of my blackberry is WHITE again! :D

用白色黑莓手机(White colour blackberry) 的朋友们可以注意一下,刚刚发现,原来把白色手机机壳还原白色的方法是~~~斧标驱风油!!!:P
上网找了一下,有说使用Eucalyptus oil可以把沾染了污渍的白色手机壳清理干净,不过,搜查了一番,发现家里唯一含有这个成分的是风油,拿来试着用了一下,还真的有用哦!!!:D

Axe Brand Medicated Oil~斧标驱风油
